Print Generations
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Canyon Cinema 50 Tour
Canyon Cinema 50 Press
Artwork CC50 Ephemera
Nathaniel Russell Commemorative Poster Design
Artwork CC50 Ephemera
Canyon Cinema 50 Logo & Trailer
CC50 Ephemera
Celebrate the Middle Ages: Canyon Cinema 50 Anniversary and Benefit Party
CC50 Ephemera
Interview with Abigail Child
CC50 Ephemera
A Questionnaire for Robert Nelson
CC50 Ephemera
Interview with Guy Maddin
CC50 Ephemera
A Tribute to Canyon Cinema: Founders and Beginnings
CC50 Ephemera
Canyon Cinema office July 1983, with Michael Wallin and Dominic Angerame
CC50 Ephemera
Decodings (Canyon Cinema 50 Tour)
CC50 Ephemera
Associations (Canyon Cinema 50 Tour)
CC50 Ephemera
Continuum (Canyon Cinema 50 Tour)
CC50 Ephemera
Studies in Natural Magic (Canyon Cinema 50 Tour)
CC50 Essays Publications
Michael Wallin: The World Is Full of Miracles
CC50 Ephemera
Michael Wallin and Barbara Hammer’s “Boys & Girls Together Film/Video Party” invitation
CC50 Ephemera Publications
Marked As Such: Feminist and Queer Visibility as Agency in Experimental Filmmaking (Excerpt)
CC50 Ephemera
Interview with Barbara Hammer
CC50 Ephemera
Changing the Shape of Film: An Evening With Barbara Hammer
CC50 Ephemera
Convenience, Lower Cost, Good Sound Quality, and Demystified Image: or, Why I Like Super-8 (A Testimonial) by Robert Huot
CC50 Publications
The Latent Image: On Charlotte Pryce’s Film Art
CC50 Publications
An Architecture of Desire: The Films of Sandra Davis
CC50 Ephemera Publications
Make It News: Canyon Cinema in Print, 1962-1967
CC50 Publications
Whose Avant-Garde?
CC50 Publications
Tales of Anger
CC50 Publications
Autumn Erotic: Nathaniel Dorsky’s A Fall Trip Home
CC50 Publications
Sincerely, Canyon Cinema: A Conversation with Lynn Marie Kirby
CC50 Publications
By Hand: Cameraless Films at Canyon Cinema
CC50 Publications
push, stick, knock, beat: to study in and through cinema
CC50 Publications
The Damage Done
CC50 Publications
Lie Back and Enjoy It
CC50 Essays Publications
Robert Fulton and the Unqualified Image
General & Title Inquiries
Canyon Cinema Foundation
1777 Yosemite Ave Suite #210
San Francisco, CA 94124
+1 415.626.2255
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