Celebrate the Middle Ages, Anniversary and Benefit Party took place on March 9th, 2017 at the Starline Social Club in Oakland,CA. The evening included performances by The Mutants, The Mike Henderson Band, DJ Phengren Oswald of the Saturday Night Soul Party, and projections by Paul Clipson. It was attended by many Canyon Cinema filmmakers, past and present staff, as well as our community of supporters. Included here are a few photographs (taken by Arielle Estrada) from this very special event.


The Mike Henderson Band

The welcome table

Volunteer Isaac Sherman at the welcome table

Guests watching the vintage 16mm Canyon Cinema leader designed by Bruce Conner

Among the attendees at the party were Anna Geyer, Joanna McClure and Canyon Cinema Co-operative co-founder Lawrence Jordan (image center, from left to right)

Canyon Cinema Foundation Board Member Jonathan Marlow introduces “Celebrating 50 Years” conversation participants Amy Halpern, Edith Kramer, and Mark Toscano (right to left).

Canyon’s Collection Manager Seth Mitter projects Chick Strand’s Anselmo. In front of him are Canyon Cinema filmmakers Jason Halprin, Paul Clipson, and Mark Wilson (left to right).

Attendees watching Chick Strand’s Anselmo.

Paul Clipson prepares his projections to accompany The Mutants’ performance.

The Mutants

The Mutants with Paul Clipson’s projections in the background.

The Mutants with Paul Clipson’s projections in the background.

The Mutants


Photographs taken at the Canyon Cinema Inc. office on 3rd Street in San Francisco for the July 1983 issue of the University Art Museum, Berkeley publication. These images were found in the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive collection have been made available courtesy of University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.

Appearing in these photographs are Michael Wallin and Dominic Angerame who were co-managers of Canyon Cinema at the time.





Canyon Cinema 50 launched its local programming with Barbara Hammer in person presenting a program of expanded cinema works. The Changing the Shape of Film event took place on Thursday, February 16th, 2017 at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.